This is the page where we can discuss the administrative and technical aspects of the site: layout, formatting, colours, functionality, and so on.
From Adrian:
The main issue which I have noticed is that the comments to a Blog post seem to appear with the most recent at the top, so in reverse chronological order. So when I replied to your Blog, my comment appeared above Brian's although he posted first. Then the two of you exchanged comments and it became difficult to follow, like the way that Facebook appears after they tried to improve it by having several threads in one post. It seems much easier just to have all the comments in chronological order; it is easy to make clear that you are replying to a point someone made that was several comments before yours.
We appear to have several options for how to structure the comments, so at some point it's probably a good idea to work through them all while people are online, and see which works best.
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