How do we build a church where people grow in love? We integrate faith and life into a coherent whole by combining relevant teaching from a Biblical perspective with prophetic action from a place of Spirit-filled rest.
If you want to follow Jesus, if you accept Him as your Lord, then you must listen to Him, you must hear and understand His words; you must put His words into practice, and demonstrate His love to everyone, the way He tells you to; and you must know t
We are called to be disciples, but not disciples of the Apostles – those first disciples. We, like them, are called both to be and to build disciples of Jesus. We, like them, are to teach what Jesus commanded – no more, and no less. This movement mus
Atonement is the name we give to an action which repairs a relationships which has been fractured by wrongdoing, so that the relationship is restored. In Christian theology, the fractured relationship is between God and the human race, and this rela
God’s Kingdom is vital. From a theological perspective, there can be nothing better or more important than God’s will being done. However, on this point at least, our theology is simply confirming our own common sense: it is surely obvious that socie
I do my best, when the opportunity arises, to present the Christian gospel in a way which is appropriate to the person and the situation, and which is faithful to the Biblical message. I believe it is more Biblical and more complete than most of the
The best way to understand the Christian faith is from the perspective of the founder, Jesus. The next best way is from the perspectives of the first Christians, who knew Him personally.
The plan here is to distinguish between the details which only Christians are interested in, and focus mainly on the Christian faith from the perspective of Jesus, using only language which makes sense to people outside the church.
Westar Institute is dedicated to fostering and communicating the results of cutting-edge scholarship on the history and evolution of the Christian tradition, thereby raising the level of public discourse about questions that matter in society and cul