If you want to follow Jesus, if you accept Him as your Lord, then you must listen to Him, you must hear and understand His words; you must put His words into practice, and demonstrate His love to everyone, the way He tells you to; and you must know t
I do my best, when the opportunity arises, to present the Christian gospel in a way which is appropriate to the person and the situation, and which is faithful to the Biblical message. I believe it is more Biblical and more complete than most of the
The Bible as we have it today, is two collections of books. Two faith communities have created these collections, and said that these are helpful books, worth preserving and reading. The collections are referred to by Christians as the Old Testamen
We wish to start by recognizing that we do not yet completely understand the Bible, and by recognizing that there is a large amount of material available to help us come to a better, more complete and more accurate understanding of it, based on evide