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What are the ethical issues that should underpin our approach to migration and immigration. This article seeks to ask the questions, and point to the answers rather than address the practical implications and policies that could result from such an a

The real problem is the classic Catch-22 that the UK has deliberately created for anyone needing to claim asylum.

  1. To claim asylum, you have to be physically present within the UK to claim asylum. One cannot apply for asylum from abroad.
  2. To legally g
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Claiming asylum is about applying for "refugee" protection and assistance.   The UK policy is defined here:

Claim asylum in the UK

This document above says:

You must apply for asylum if you want to stay in the UK as a

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Recent "Irregular migration" statistics from March 2022 up to March 2023

Irregular Migration is the term used by the Home Office to designate those entering the country without permission to do so.   The document linked below outlines the bare statis

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People want to come and live in the UK - but many also want to leave!   The key issue is net migration, not merely immigration as such.

  • Immigration concerns government policy regarding who to allow into the UK (see discussion below).  The word "immi
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Immigration is a big and emotive subject. This article is broken up into a number of handy chunks to help make it more readable and easier to navigate. Extensive use has been made of official UK government statistics and statements issued by the U
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Here are some broad-brush ideas which might have a positive, humanitarian impact on the situation.
  • Relieve the "small boats" crisis by creating legal means to apply for asylum from outside the UK.   Furthermore, allow people to come to the UK on a
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Our conversations regularly circle around aspects of social theory - how society operates, and how it could or should operate better.
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There has been a lot of talk recently about various aspects of artificial life - artificial intelligence, sentient machines, computers gaining self-awareness, and so on. It seems self-evident that we can easily distinguish between living and non-liv
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This is clearly a massive topic.

Because there are no clear boundaries, this topic will cover not only farming, but all food production and use of the land to deliberately grow things or raise animals.


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People constantly talk about God, whether they believe in God or not, and they clearly have something in mind when they do so. But, when you move beyond the beliefs of a specific group, there is almost no agreement about what a 'God' (or 'god') is.
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All the usual principles of good practice on this site apply to discussion of religion too. Please be clear about the purpose of any contribution, and please aim to keep any response to a contribution relevant to what was posted.
There is a common assumption in many Western countries that if you are religious, then you 'believe in God', and that your choice of religion is all about believing in the 'right' God. However, while you will find a God or multiple gods in many reli
This is an attempt to identify the key aspects of war. Almost everyone agrees that war is bad, something to be avoided if possible, but we are not very clear what the ‘if possible’ might consist of: whoever you talk to, the responsibility for avoidi
Neither science nor reason can guide anything, from individual choice a national strategy. Science can tell us the fastest way to get from A to B, but it cannot tell us whether we should go there. It can tell us the likely consequences of an action,
