Paul Hazelden commented on Mark Collins's article Why are discussions about faith between believers and unbelievers so often a complete dog’s dinner?
"There is too much here to respond to in detail. Here are a few quick thoughts.
The first verse: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
This is a description of how faith operates, not a definition of…"
Mark Collins is going to Discussion: Identity and Perspective
Apr 12
Mark Collins commented on Paul Hazelden's article Computing and IT
"Does computing give power to the people or power to the owners of the IT systems?"
Apr 12
Mark Collins commented on Paul Hazelden's article Real Life
"I am amused by the thought of a single celled organism being 'content'."
Apr 12
Mark Collins commented on Paul Hazelden's article Identity and Perspective
"I should have elaborated about the 'hard to kick' comment - wider society and our own tribes excert a very strong influence on us - it is extremely difficult to rebel against that pressure and try and steer a lone furrow, as those campaigning for…"
Apr 12
Mark Collins commented on Paul Hazelden's article Identity and Perspective
"Tribalism is so core to human nature - a result of thousands of years of evolution, competing for food, competing for mates, competing for places to live, competing for the attention of those we admire.  We have become very good at tribalism because…"
Apr 12
Mark Collins commented on Mark Collins's article Identity - who are we?
"Thanks Brian for this thoughtful response.  Lots to discuss tonight!"
Mar 21
Brian Monahan commented on Mark Collins's article Identity - who are we?
" PDF version of response
I broadly agree with everything you say here, Mark.   It’s a long article and I have had to read it in chunks - this response here has been started more than once!   But hopefully, I’ve arrived now. 
Clearly, this whole area…"
Mar 21
Brian Monahan commented on Mark Collins's article Identity - who are we?
"Interesting idea, Mark.   In a trivial sense, what you said is something of a truism - because anything going on in our head will necessarily look like brain activity!  However, more deeply, it surely must depend on your own core beliefs, though, as…"
Mar 20
Mark Collins commented on Mark Collins's article Identity - who are we?
" I've had a very pleasant phone call this afternoon and follow up reviewing a presentation for a good friend regarding Spirituality.It has struck me that what people often describe as spirituality is in reality our identity as viewed from within…"
Mar 17
Mark Collins commented on Mark Collins's article Identity - who are we?
"Hi Adrian,Some really pertinent points here.  Can we separate identity from behaviour - is who we are simply a description of what we do and think?  Are our habits a reflection of our identity or just laziness?  Of course the laziness could be part…"
Mar 10
Adrian Roberts commented on Mark Collins's article Identity - who are we?
Some of the reasons that people don't want to change seems to be a human tendency to define their identity according to current habits and norms. This can be as simple as very quickly using the same desk at work, or pew in a church, and…"
Mar 8
Mark Collins commented on Mark Collins's article Identity - who are we?
"Quite a lot I could comment on here Adrian.I think the toilet question and 'safe spaces for women' is a red herring. The risk to women from trans women (or men from trans men) or straight men from gay men or straight women from lesbians has been…"
Mar 4
Mark Collins commented on Mark Collins's article Identity - who are we?
"Yes Paul, you're right.  This does need amplifying more.  The colonial context is probably key here, one that kept racial and gendered expectations fiercly contained.  Feminism for example has very different approaches from white communities than it…"
Mar 4
Adrian Roberts commented on Mark Collins's article Identity - who are we?
"Mark, and Richard:
Mark – a great summary! There are a lot of aspects to the identity question so I am only going to reply to a couple for now.
Firstly, Richard’s comments on white male identity:  
Richard, you don’t need to feel guilty just for…"
Mar 3
Paul Hazelden commented on Mark Collins's article Identity - who are we?
Thank you.  There is a great deal in this piece that I agree with and find helpful - including your comment about immigration below.  But there are a few details which I feel need further consideration.
For example, while I fully support the…"
Mar 3

Identity - who are we?

[Back to Human Identity]

There is so much talk these days about identity, arguments about whether people should be able to identify in ways that feel natural to themselves, even when it challenges the norms that the majority of society has evolved to accept. I’m thinking here of gender identity. However, perhaps our reactions, positive, negative or ambivalent are merely the tip of the iceberg in…

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[Back to Reason, Science and Faith]


I’ve looked up the word ‘faith’ in a few dictionaries, here are a couple of examples.

Oxford language:

1. complete trust of confidence in someone or something.

2. strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.…

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[Back to Improving the World]

Hearts and minds are a very challenging thing to influence! It is clear that, certainly in the West, we are dealing with decades of indoctrination that have resulted in a larger number of people believing in the ethos of the individual rather than the community. Of self interest rather than communal interest.

Ordinary people face an incredible…

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The ethics of immigration

[Back to Immigration]


As with many issues, discussions surrounding the issues raised by immigration are often dominated by pragmatic arguments, for example questioning whether we have room for more people, whether we have the resources to support them or whether they will 'damage' the native culture. This short article seeks to raise wider questions which the writer suggests…

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